Our Philosophy
- Why TEAM
- Our Philosophy
- Our Investment Approach
- Why Jersey?
- TEAM plc

Ensuring real world investing is accessible to everyone
At TEAM, we are passionate that investing should make sense in the real world and be accessible to everyone. From individual investors to large family offices, every client enjoys access to the same investment philosophy, process, and idea generation across our range of solutions.
We adopt a truly global view to access more sources of return in the search for a higher level of financial security and the potential for increased performance possibilities for our clients.
Finally, we advocate that sustained, inspirational investment performance must be complemented by true client care.
TEAM is...
- An independently owned investment management boutique.
- Passionate about the role, and value, of active investment management.
- Building an industry-leading business built on the 4 Ps: people, product, process and performance.
- Mobile. Able to make swift, collective decisions without compromising the integrity of the investment process.
- Responsible, and accountable, for all investment decisions made.
- Clear about our core competencies: multi-asset, fixed income and equity investments in a global context.
- High conviction, as reflected in the composition of our investment solutions.
- Forward looking and suitable for those with a long term time horizon.
TEAM is not...
- A large corporate or representative office.
- Interested in replicating existing backward-looking benchmarks.
- Driven by a fixation on AUM growth.
- Burdened by excessive and cumbersome structures that ultimately impinge client outcomes.
- An implementation office, with no direct responsibility for outcomes.
- Willing to stray outside our circle of competence.
- Seekers of shelter behind index performance, performance chasers.
- For everyone, given our long-term focus, and comfort with being different.